Tui Na
What is tui na?
Tui na or Chinese massage is a therapeutic form of massage and has been used in China for more than 5,000 years. Defined as “the ancient healing art of fingers and strength,” tui na is a safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions.
Tui na massage therapy is used for giving special treatments to people of all ages, from infancy to old age. Tui na makes use of rhythmic compression techniques along different energy channels of the body to establish a harmonious flow of qi throughout the body and bring it back to balance. By applying pressure to meridians, acupoints, and groups of muscles and nerves, tui na removes blockages and works deeply with the positive energy of the body.
How much does it cost?
Tui na sessions can be booked in combination with your acupuncture treatment during community or private hours.
​Community (sliding scale) acupuncture & tui na combo: Initial $95-$110 & subsequent $90-$110
Private acupuncture & tui na combo: Initial $130& Subsequent $120